Protect loved ones and guarantee your assets will go where you would want them to in the event of your death by having Charter Wills prepare a carefully worded Will that is tailored to your circumstances, with meticulous attention to any and all changes in the law.
Many estates pay Inheritance Tax (IHT) unnecessarily. By helping you to prepare a well-drafted Will, Charter Wills can help minimise the impact of IHT on your estate; the use of Trusts can also help avoid IHT on assets such as life insurances, death-in-service and pension benefits. Offering guidance on how to preserve your estate for your loved ones is how we go above and beyond to achieve total client satisfaction.
Without a Will, a surviving spouse will not necessarily inherit all of the estate. This can leave the survivor in real financial difficulties. The only way to guarantee against this is to make a Will that is drafted and updated as needed, according to the law, and suited to your specific requirements. Charter Wills provides a courteous, professional service to do just this while giving you timely, helpful guidance on how best to draw up your Will.